My own analysis of my diet!Based on the results from the Food Intake Analysis, I am consuming too much
calories for my weight, 45kg. It is at 2232 calories, compared to my recommended amount of 1901 calories. I do not exercise at all except during PE, thus I would actually need to consume less calories than an average person my weight would.
Thus I am consuming too much calories for my own good! D: I am getting soft.
According to the
proportion of type of food eaten, such as fat, protein and carbo, my diet is balanced and in accordance with the RDDA. However, based on my food diet, I eat too much D: Look at 7 Sep! I don't actually have fixed meal times, and on that day itself I ate at 8 different timings. O_O Meaning I ate a lot.
Following my
nutritional intake versus the RDDA (the graph as well as the table), it can be seen that I'm consuming too much overall.
Carbohydrates: My carbo intake is at 127% the recommended amount. I think this is because I eat bread for breakfast, noodles for lunch (mostly), and rice for dinner :P Plus a lot of bread and biscuits and muffins in between! I think I can actually eat more fruits as snacks instead of carbo-filled stuff like biscuits :( Fruits are nice as well, only that I'm lazy to prepare them :P
Saturated Fat and Cholesterol: I'm eating too much fried things like chicken wings and instant processed food such as the banana muffin, as well as 3 packets of instant noodles in those two days D: It is very bad for my health, I really don't want to increase risks of heart diseases in the near future D:
Sodium is scarily high at 322% of recommendation met D: However I think this is because the HPB Tool is quite inaccurate, seeing how the food items they list are only rough estimates, and not exactly what I eat. However, this really is an alert for me D: I'm not sure how to explain the high sodium result, perhaps sodium is quite high in the meat intakes such as ham, as the ham may have been preserved by salt.
Calcium intake is really low, half of what my body needs. This can be explained that I don't include cheese in my diet, plus this food blog was recorded only before I fell in love with fresh milk nearing the end of the September holidays. I can actually replace milo with chocolate or fresh milk, seeing how it can balance my diet, and still taste great at the same time :)
Food Pyramid
Looking at my diet, I think my actual
food pyramid is like the shape of 8 - huge at the bottom and top, but really thin in the middle :/
I eat too much carbo, as pre-explained in the whole chunk just now. I also know that I've been consuming too much sugar (sweets, milo, banana muffin, bubble tea, soft drinks), and it is dangerous as it can lead to stuff like diabetes and kidney failure (which my mum constantly warns me about). Also, I consume too much saturated fat from oily food, like fried food, and sodium intake is high as well, hence the very top of the pyramid would be quite large. This is sad as the top of the pyramid actually indicates that I am supposed to consume that food group the least.
Yes overall my diet is quite unhealthy. This PT really opened my eyes about what I eat :( I need to cut down on oily stuff, salt, sugar, plus add in vegetable (fibre) and fruits (minerals and vitamins). And also increase calcium intake by eating more cheese and drinking milk.
The end D: